آخرین محصولات

MALDIVES INDUSTRIAL FISHERIES COMPANY LIMITED (MIFCO) 30 September 2016 Statement of financial position (All amounts in Maldivian Rufiyaa unless otherwise stated ) As at 30 As at 31 Note September 2016 'December 2015 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 12 187,773,723 178,862,424
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Mifco manages a fleet of vessels to allow for and to assist in its day to day operations. Click the button below to view all the vessels in One Map. VIEW MAP. Name Status Destination Daily Balance Capacity Position; Mifco Randhi 22: Docked: felivaru: 0 MT: View Map: Mifco Randhi 23: In Repair: kooddoo: 0 MT:
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KFV represents the culmination of effort and time in the harvesting, processing and marketing aspects of the fresh fish industry targeted to the premium market in Japan and …
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KM 364e-207
For all B, C & T series MIFCO gas fired melting furnaces and MIFCO forges: In accordance with the National Electric Code, A.G.A., Canadian Standard Association and O.S.H.A. recommendations, this specification sheet must remain a part of this manual. Most of the components are I-JL. and A.G.A. listed. The control panel
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MIFCO Introduces New Logo to Commemorate 30 Years in …
Approved by the MIFCO Board in June 2023, the new logo has made its debut across the company's social media platforms. The official launch of the logo took place today. MIFCO unveils its dynamic new brand identity, ushering in a fresh era that emphasizes Maldives Tuna and sustainable pole-and-line fishing at the heart of …
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Crucibles - MIFCO - McEnglevan Industrial Furnace Company, Inc
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MIFCO generates USD104 million in revenue in 2022
The Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company Limited (MIFCO) has generated USD106 million in revenue in 2022. The yearly report shows that MIFCO generated 28% more in revenue compared to 2021 due to the government's efforts to make the state-owned company profitable as well as the increase in fish purchases in 2022. The company …
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KM 364e-207
For all B, C & T series MIFCO gas fired melting furnaces and MIFCO forges: In accordance with the National Electric Code, A.G.A., Canadian Standard Association and O.S.H.A. …
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Center Pivot Tilting Melters
MODELS T-160, T-301 and T-80. T-80 pictured above. A most economical tilting furnace in sizes ideal for the small foundry, vocational or educational facility, and the precious metal melter or reclaimer. These center pivot models pivot at their center of gravity for easy tilting by a worm/worm gear drive. The manual tilt is operated with a hand ...
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F100A forge furnace
F100A forge furnace. Published February 17, 2015 at 417 × 480 in Round Hearth Flat Forge Furnace . F100A forge furnace. F100A forge furnace - MIFCO - McEnglevan Industrial Furnace Company, Inc.
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#150 Standard Silicon Carbide Crucible
Description. Printer Friendly. #150 Standard Silicon Carbide Crucible – capacity: approx. 150 lbs. of Aluminum. 3/13/24- 3 in stock. Printer Friendly. #150 Standard Silicon Carbide Crucible - by MIFCO, a leading manufacturer of melting furnaces, heat treat furnaces and other foundry equipment.
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Company Profile
MIFCO was started in 1938 as a supplier of foundry equipment to the vocational field. Early features that set apart from competitors were the attention to safety and the ability to …
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Government Takes Full Ownership of MIFCO | Corporate …
Government Takes Full Ownership of MIFCO. Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) is set to become a wholly government-owned entity. The transformation follows a Cabinet Minister's decision made on 5th December 2023. The formalization of this decision took place today in a special ceremony at the Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean ...
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بانک تخصصی معدن و صنایع معدنی ایران | ایمیکو
سازمان توسعه و نوسازی معادن و صنایع معدنی (ایمیدرو) مشاهده شرکت. زمینه فعالیت : مطالعات فنی، اقتصادی و امکان سنجی. تلفن : 021 -41868000. فکس :021 -88842854. ایمیل : [email protected].
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Gas Fired Melting Furnaces- MIFCO
Temperature range 1200° F to 2400° F. MELTING TIME for melting a cast iron pot of aluminum approximately 24 minutes. Melting time for crucible in closed furnace chamber for aluminum approximately 18 minutes, for brass approximately 35 minutes. Furnaces are supplied with a No. 4 Ultra Violet System with spark ignition.
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Board of Directors
T: +960 332-3932 | E: [email protected] Home About Us Products Operations Quality Assurance Sustainability Media Connect
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MIFCO - Foundry & Heat Treating Furnaces & Accessories
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MIFCO Reports Growth in Fish Exports and Purchases Year …
MIFCO exported 1,74,812 cases of fish and 1,191 metric tonnes of fish meals till August 2023. This reflects an uptick from 1,41,939 fish cases and 980 metric tonnes of fish meals recorded in the corresponding period last year. The company's procurement data also shows a favourable trend. MIFCO has purchased 44,647 metric tonnes of fish until ...
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Contact Us
Contact MIFCO with Questions & Comments. MIFCO 700 Griggs Street P.O. Box 31 Danville, Illinois 61834. Telephone (Sales): 217-446-0941 Facsimile: 217-446-0943 sales@mifco . Printer Friendly. Top Rated …
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Mobile Quench Tank Systems
To fill the need of quenching equipment for the general shop, MIFCO has developed industrial type units for tool room, vocational education and metals technology. They have powerful agitator circulating pumps, separate quench chamber with catch basket, and electric heaters and temperature controller as optional equipment.
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Mizoram Food & Allied Industries Corporation (MIFCO), …
Mizoram Food and Allied Industries Corporation Ltd. (MIFCO) was registered under the Companies Act, 1956 on the 19th December, 1989. The concept of a Food and Allied Industries Corporation emerged from the aspiration of the Government of Mizoram to harness the limited resources endowment of the State, and nurture its potential for the …
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MIFCO – McEnglevan Industrial Furnace Company, Inc. Products. Heat Treat Furnaces. Bench Model Heat Treat Furnace. LTG – Low Temp Gas Ovens. LTE – Low Temp Electric Ovens. HTG – High Temp Gas Heat Treat Furnace. DU – Dual Chamber Electric Heat Treat Furnace. Temperature Control Instruments.
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Mifco Mas Fihaara | Male
Mifco Mas Fihaara, Male, Maldives. 5,321 likes · 9 talking about this · 93 were here. Variety of Tuna and Reef fish value-added products processed by Mifco, made in Maldives
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MIFCO Boosts Capacity from 40,000 to 63,000 Tonnes
News. October 12, 2023. MIFCO Boosts Capacity from 40,000 to 63,000 Tonnes. In a statement, CEO Ismail Fauzee announced that the capacity of the Maldives Industrial …
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T-90 – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
WWII. Chiến tranh Lạnh. Hậu chiến tranh Lạnh. T-90 là một trong những loại xe tăng chiến đấu chủ lực hiện đại trong biên chế của quân đội Liên bang Nga. Nó được sản xuất với số lượng ít vào năm 1993 và chính thức phục vụ trong quân đội Nga năm 1995, dựa trên kiểu ...
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Burner Nozzle Assembly
Burner Nozzle Assembly – for B-1500, B-1501, T-200 Furnaces. $ 260.00. Add to cart. Add to Wishlist. Compare. SKU: 006611 Category: Furnace Repair Parts.
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The President declares MIFCO to be a state-owned …
President Dr Mohamed Muizzu declared on Tuesday that the Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company Limited (MIFCO) is now a 100 percent state-owned enterprise. He made this announcement in a press conference held at the President's Office, following today's Cabinet meeting. The President stressed the importance of strengthening MIFCO …
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Careers. MIFCO is one of the largest public enterprises in terms of staff employed, with people employed at, sites in the south, central and northern atolls in the country. MIFCO considers its human resources as the company's most important resource base and is therefore committed to continuous and long term investment and up-grading of its ...
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MIFCO Designated as a State-Owned Enterprise
Muizzu stressed the importance of strengthening MIFCO to enhance the overall fisheries sector. Additionally, he revealed the decision to establish a special cooperative for fishermen and integrate the cooperative as a shareholder in MIFCO. Previously, MIFCO operated as a subsidiary of the State Trading Organisation Plc (STO).
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HTG98. (Model HTG-98) MIFCO HTG-98 Gas Heat Treat Furnace uses automatic temperature control and proportioning burner systems with standing pilot, spark ignition and ultraviolet safety systems. METHODS OF HEATING: Temperature uniformity throughout the heating chamber is the goal in the design and operation of high temperature, heat …
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